Welcome to our member benefits for IIABC
Here you can gain access to member-only information, including special member event pricing, member discounts, post on our member-only exclusive job board, search our resume data base and access our member directory.
Volunteer to teach InVEST in Broward County High Schools
College scholarship program open to members and their employees
State approved continuing education seminars
Actively engaged in legislative issues affecting Broward County
Confidential Member List
Confidential employment referral service
New client referrals to member agents
Member discount for special events
Principal series for agency management support
Volunteer opportunities available through IIABC committees
Team Agency or Team Associate?
*All office staff are included in membership*
Agency Members are agencies engaged in the business of Property and Casualty insurance, that have a current 2-20 license in the State of Florida, that have a place of business within Broward County and represent at least one insurance carrier licensed in Florida.
Associate Members are companies whose business is directly related to the general insurance business. Are you a carrier, water mitigation company, home inspector, rental car company, premium finance company, glass company or a related industry? This is the membership for you!